September 27, 2010

One Month

Camryn is officially one month old (well she was on Friday, but I didn't want to post this until we went to the doctor and got all her stats :).  I can't believe she is already a month...the time has flown by!  It is just crazy to think how much she has already changed in a month.  At one month Camryn...  

*is 24 inches long and in the 95th percentile for her height 
*weighs 10 pounds even and is in the 75th percentile for her weight (the doctor predicted she would be 5' 10" and 140 pounds if she continued to grow the way she did in the first month) 
*has already reached her two month milestones (the way she is working to hold her head up, etc.)
*is a wiggly worm...moves like CRAZY!
*is finding her funny when she screeches and then stops as if to think, "was that me?"
*loves her hands...she is discovering them as well, therefore they are always moving
*grabs a hold of EVERYTHING, including shirts, car seat straps, burp cloths, etc.
*loves the feeling of soft blankets (they almost always put her right to sleep)
*sleeps an average of 4 hours...sometimes longer if we are lucky :)
*eats 4 ounces about every 4 hours
*primarily wears 0-3 months in clothes, but can still wear newborn (we are having a VERY hard time dressing this child as long and skinny as she is)
*still has light hair (which looks often looks strawberry blonde) and blue eyes

Camryn Marie...we love you more than we ever imagined!
Cammie after her doctor's appointment (check out her cool Tazmanian Devil band-aid she got after her shot :)

September 23, 2010


Sometimes we are reminded unexpectedly how much we should cherish our lives and one another.  Saturday was definitely one of those sometimes. :(  We learned late Saturday/early Sunday that my dad's close friend, Ronnie had complications during a pretty serious surgery and we would not have the opportunity to see or talk to him again.  Ronnie was one of those guys that loved everyone and everyone loved.  Losing him was very sudden and unexpected.  It was such a shock to think that my mom and Nick had just seen him on Thursday and Sunday he was gone. When someone is taken so suddenly, it almost seems like it isn't real...unfortunately it was very real and we lost an amazing man this past week. :(
Nana, Pop and Cammie after the funeral at Hooters, where Ronnie often hung out.

The Jeffersonville Hooters gave Cammie a free onesie in honor of Ronnie...we will think of him everytime she wears it.

Girl's Weekend

This past weekend Chris went out of town on a golf trip and left Camryn and I alone for the first time since she was born.  "Aunt" Chrissie came to stay and kept Camryn and I company while he was gone.  Friday night we went to watch Camryn's Uncle Nick play football for the first time.  I am very close to my younger brother Nick and have missed watching him play for the last few weeks.   We must have brought Clarksville good luck, because they got their first win against Salem while we were there...Yay!!!  On Saturday Camryn took her first trip to the outlet malls and was absolutely perfect!  My dad surprised us and offered to drive us to the outlet malls (I think he just missed Cammie since he was gone on his own golf trip the week before and this was his way to catch up on some time he had missed with her :), which worked out perfectly!  Cammie's Pop took control of the stroller and pushed her through the entire mall, so I could shop for her and find a few things for myself.  Overall it was a great weekend, but we were so glad when Chris returned home on Sunday. :)  

September 11, 2010

Bell's Palsy

Whew, what a week! As this week got off to a late start (thanks to the Labor Day holiday), I was a little worried about how things would go because Chris had to go back to work on Tuesday. :(  I wasn't too worried about being home alone with Cammie, just knew I would miss having him around and that extra person to talk to.  Tuesday actually went well (I even managed to clean the bathroom, our bedroom and do 2 loads of laundry before he came home...yay!), but when I woke up to feed Cammie Wednesday morning at 3 a.m., I felt a strange twitching feeling in my eye.  I didn't think too much of it, went back to bed, only to wake up with a numb tongue a few hours later.  I assumed that maybe my allergies were flaring up or maybe even having a minor allergic reaction to something and continued on with my day. Needless to say, after Chrissie and my mom took a look at what was going on, I was forced to visit the ER and discovered I have Bell's Palsy.  Bell's Palsy is partial nerve paralysis of the face...currently I cannot raise my left eyebrow, blink my left eye (which is why I thought it was twitching originally) or move the left side of my mouth.  After seeing my regular doctor on Friday, he said I actually have a mild case of it and everything should return to normal, but I have to be patient.  He also said it was most likely brought on from the trauma of childbirth, but no one knows what actually causes it. Chris assures me each day I am getting better, but it is definitely a situation that makes this new mom self-conscious!  Crossing my fingers that there will be no permanent damage and things will be back to normal VERY SOON!


Camryn, Chris and I have been so blessed to have so many family members and friends who have made time to come and visit and/or bring us something yummy to eat.  We are so thankful to everyone that has thought of us during this special time in our lives! Below are some pictures of a few of the visitors (and Cammie's future friends :) we have had so far. :)

Kaidyn & Cammie
Ellie & Cammie
Ellie, Ashtyn & Cammie
Brady, Cooper & Cammie

The Spa Treatment

Just one of these want to remember forever moments...Camryn absolutely LOVES when her dad is in charge of her bath, because he gives her the "spa treatment."  When Chris bathes Camryn in our kitchen sink he always ends with washing her hair with the sprayer.  When he turns the sprayer on she leans all the way back and literally soaks up every minute!  It is the cutest thing to watch! :)