November 24, 2011

15 months

     Our little princess is just growing and growing.  It's so hard to believe she is 15 months old already!  Where in the world does time go??? We are in absolute love with our girl....she is at such a fun (yet sometimes exhausting :) age!  I am loving these things about her:

  • She weighs 26.5 pounds and is in the 90th percentile compared to other kids her age.
  • Cammie grew to 32 and 1/4 inches tall (95th percentile). She grew 2 whole inches in 3 months!!!
  • Is wearing 12/12-18/18/a few 18-24 month size clothes...pretty much all over the place, but the 18-24 is much needed in length! :)
  • wears a size 4 diaper
  • wears a size 4 shoe
  • has become quite the talker....she has started to babble, "talk" and string sounds together like a pro! I think she is going to take after her mom and be quite the chatterbox. :)
    • Right now she can clearly say Pop (her favorite...everything is Pop/Pop-Pop :), ball, cookie, puppy, mom/momma, daddy bye, hi, bad, up, nux (that's what we call her pacifier...sounds more like nuh :), Nana (although she is a stinker and won't say it very often)
    • imitates so many sounds to make you think she is saying more than the words listed above, however she isn't repeating them on her own yet, so I figure I can't count them yet :)
    • learned to sign water and still uses her signs for more, milk....those signs are amazing!!!  We are getting ready to work on please and thank you.
    • is beginning to put words together....she said "bye-bye momma" the other day when I dropped her off at mom and dad's...melts my heart :)
  • imitates gestures and movements like CrAzY....loves to put lotion "on"(this consists of rubbing her legs up and down :), run in place, do jumping jacks (her version :), wave her arms, fist pump to music (I think I have Nick or Chris to thank for that :)
  • is on the GO...runs everywhere!
  • has become a climber...climbs into kitchen, rocking, or any other adult chairs, climbs on the couch, the ottoman to her glider, up on to the toilet....she is a monkey!
  • is learning the concept of no...shakes her head back and forth to say no
  • knows how to give you a hug or kiss, will pat you on the back, give you a high five, blow a kiss
  • loves to play with other kids....this was a bit of a concern for me since she only has interaction with others at the Y and church daycare and Maddie...hoping this behavior continues! :)
  • has a full set of teeth and will bite your finger off if you stick it in her mouth...Ouch!
  • loves to eat cheese, fruit snacks, grapes, chicken nuggets and Fruit Loops right now
  • is showing more and more interest in using utensils while eating....will often "request" a spoon or fork to eat with during dinner
  • has a love/hate relationship with Brohdi....she sure loves him, but tortures him as well :)  She grabs his tail (what little bit he has) and hits him in the face regularly.  She doesn't maliciously try to hit him, just moves her hands back and forth so fast in face it happens all the time.  I get such a kick out of watching her chase him around the living room and kitchen. :)  On the other hand, Cammie shows more affection to dogs than anyone or anything else....not sure if this should concern me :) 
  • will run to greet you when you come in for the first seeing those little legs hurry down the hall :)
  • absolutely LOVES to read!  She could sit and read books forever!  She is especially loving touch-and-feel and lift-the flap books.

Our fun-loving, happy girl :)
We are so thankful and blessed for Camryn Marie, especially as we reflect on our blessings during the holiday season.  She is definitely our world and has both mom and dad wrapped around her tiny little fingers.  :)

November 15, 2011

So Thankful....

     Over the past few days I have noticed many facebook status' and blog posts dedicated to things others are thankful for and wanted to record a few of my own.  The last few months have been somewhat of a journey for me personally and I want to take the time to remember the big and little things that make my life complete :)

1.  Camryn Marie...I definitely can't imagine life without her.  She is without a doubt the reason I do what I do everyday, what keeps me going and motivated to do anything!  I am so thankful for my beautiful, happy, healthy growing girl.  There are no words to express how much I love her...she is my absolute world. :)

2.  Chris....I never give him enough credit. :)  He is still the love of my life and has been for the past 11 years.  The past year has required us to grow in so many ways as a couple, but definitely made us a stronger couple!  He is the best dad, husband and friend in the world! :) I love him so very much!

3.  Pop....definitely in a much different place with my dad than I was even 6 months ago.  I wish I had the words to express how thankful I am that he made the choice to better himself and keep my baby almost every day.  The love and relationship he and Camryn have built is amazing.  She often chooses to go to him when we are altogether.  He is the one who has started to wipe her tears and quiet her cries.  He takes care of her needs daily and rarely complains about anything he has to do for her.  I just hope he knows how thankful I am and will always be for all he does for her when I am not able to be there.

4.  Nana....the most amazing woman I know.  Thank you for setting the bar and being the best example of a mom there can be.  I strive to be the kind of mom to Cammie that she was and is to me. Again, I will never be able to tell her in words how thankful I am for all that she has done, especially in the last year to year and a half since Cammie joined our family. Thank you for doing all that you can to make life easier on me as a working mom, who always feels guilty for not being able to be there as much as I wish.  I love my momma more than anything and all of her crazy quirks!

5.  Nick...I feel so fortunate to have a brother and not be an only child.  Although we are 9 years apart we are super close and I love him very much.  His age and attitude reminds me to enjoy life and have more fun....a reminder I need more than I would like to admit :)

6.  Family...I'd have a 10 page list if I listed EVERYONE in my family that I am thankful for and why.  For reasons I know in my heart and have hopefully expressed to them I am thankful for my grandparents, aunts, uncles, extended family members, Mike, Ryan, Nate, Maggie and hoping that everyone not mentioned specifically was covered under the family umbrella listed above. :)

7.  Christie....along with Nana and Pop, Christie has had a significant impact in Camryn's life as well.  I am thankful that Camryn has another place to go, while Chris and I are working, where she is loved, cared for and enjoyed.  I know this brings great joy to both Camryn and grandma.  :)

8.  Chrissie...without a doubt THE best friend I could ever imagine or ask for!  There has never been a time when she hasn't been there to offer a listening ear, kind word, patience, guidance or tons of fun! Life would be so difficult and empty without her.  I always joke that I hate fall because I am so busy, but the real reason I say that is because there hasn't been a fall season yet where we have the opportunity to spend enough time together.  I have relied on her more than I admittingly should in the past, but that is all getting ready to change as she welcomes her own precious baby in the very near future....definitely hoping that makes more together time next fall :)  I am so thankful for everything she has done and continues to do for Camryn and I.  I pray that I am half the friend to her that she is to me! :)

9.  Teaching:  Although I often complain about it, teaching gives me a purpose each day.  A tiny someone NEEDS me to be in that classroom everyday.  Although I hate missing out on time with Cammie or feel like there is never enough time, it is rewarding to know I make a difference each day (at least I hope I do! :)

10.  Northside...a pretty amazing place! :)  I have to thank Chrissie for welcoming and getting me there in the beginning.  Before Camryn was born Chris and I made the decision to join the church, despite our Catholic wedding and past.  There wasn't one time that I went to church prior to Northside and felt connected....I often felt confused, frustrated and if I can be honest bored.  From the beginning I LOVED Northside!  I love going and am thankful for the opportunities, strength and faith it has brought to my life.  We are very excited to continue our journey there as a family.

11.  Weekends:  I have finally learned how to say no and truly make time to enjoy the weekends with Chris and Camryn.  At the beginning of the school year I felt like we constantly ran in fast forward.  We spent our Fridays at the football field, leaving only Saturday and Sunday to get everything else done...whatever that everything else might have been.  Once football was over I made a commitment to myself that I was going to do everything in my power to stop scheduling something to do from Friday until Sunday and just enjoy the little bit of time off we get each week.  It has been the best decision I ever made....I sometimes am not able to do what everyone else wants me to do, but the time that I now have to spend with my girl and my guy is priceless....and I am a much happier person! :)

12. Friends/Co-workers:  I am blessed to have made so many wonderful friends at Parkwood.  When things at work get tough or overwhelming it is so reassuring to know I have such a wonderful group of women that are feeling or have felt the exact same way.  I am so lucky to have these girls in my life!  I know I wouldn't make it everyday without them!

13.  Letting go...of things out of my control.  Sometimes I can be over the top, a lot to handle and have such a fear of change that I am instantaneously negative of the unknown.  I have made a diligent effort to keep an open mind and things in perspective before fearing or expecting the worst.  I have tried not to let the little things get to me and enjoy the blessings in front of me. :)

14.  The start of Camryn reaching for my hand... So thankful for those tiny fingers that wrap around mine.  One of the many ways she definitely tugs at my heart :)

15. Running....never thought this would make the list, but I am so proud of the dedication I have put forth to get my pre-baby body back AND make time for me...even if it is only 30 minutes or so a few times per week I need and LOVE it.

16. DVR....I would never get to watch anything without it :)

17.  My Kindle:  Although I don't get to enjoy it near as much as I would like during the school year I never put it down during the summer.! I LOVE to read, but being a full-time working mom makes it impossible to continue during the year. :(  I get so excited when the school year comes to an end or we have an extended break where I anticipate having some time to curl up and get lost in a book!

18.  B & first babies :)  I love the way they still need snuggle time each night when Cammie goes to bed.  Brohdi especially, will beg for your attention and do anything in his power to curl up with you or snuggle at your feet.  I especially love the joy they bring to C!  She is in absolute love with them!

19.  Pictures:  My house would be naked without them!  I love the memories that are and can be captured during any photo session.  I love comparing pictures.  I love looking at the difference each new picture brings.  I could never have enough pictures!  I really, really, REALLY want a "good" camera to capture my own memories of my sweet Cammie and everything that goes on in our lives.  I have decided to set a goal and save for a new camera the old fashioned way....just wish I could achieve that goal much quicker than it will actually take :)

20.  Awesome Neighbors....When I think about moving this is the ONLY reason that holds me back.  We are so fortunate to have such wonderful neighbors: Patrick & Amanda, Amanda, Karter and Lakyn, Amanda's dad and grandma...the list could go on and on.  I don't know what we would do without them!  I love the memories we have made around the firepit, playing in the cul-de-sac and playing at the lake.  We will be so sad when these are just memories and no longer part of our daily lives. :(

November 12, 2011

Dryer Fun

     Camryn absolutely loves to "help."  She "helps" load the dishwasher, heat her milk, put Brohdi in his cage and most recently put clothes in the dryer.  She enjoys pushing the clothes that I lay on top of the dryer door into the dryer.  Sometimes she stands at the door and other times she climbs up on the door, sits on it and pushes the clothes in from there...nothing really out of the ordinary.  Yesterday she was sitting on the dryer door pushing the clothes in as usual and I was laying things on the drying rack while she was finishing.  I turn around to see this....

Climbing into the dryer...

So happy with herself :)

Round 2

After watching I learned she climbs up, sits on the door, balances on her knees and then does this :)

Exploring what's behind her

Look at me mom! :) She is so crazy!

Faraway Friends

     This weekend Camryn got a wonderful surprise....a visit from Ezra!  Chrissie G. and I had been trying for what seems like forever to get together and just hadn't been able to arrange it or keep the arrangments for this reason or another.  Finally, Chrissie was able to come down and spend some time with us last weekend.  Meghan and Maddie even came too!  We had a great time eating lunch (thanks Meghan for grabbing everyone's favorite Chick-Fil-A :), catching up with one another and letting the babies play together.  Of course we were terrible about getting pictures in the beginning or while they were playing so this is what we ended up with....

Ezra and Maddie have it going on, while Camryn is messing with the pillows

So we tried cookies....Ezra and Cammie fell apart, while Maddie sat perfectly :)


      Both words are in all capital letters to remind mom about our latest and greatest "trick."  As Camryn gets older (and a little smarter and more stubborn) her nap schedule has started to change.  She is often in need of or in the middle of a nap when Chris or I pick her up from grandma's or Nana and Pop's house after school.  This leads to a few (or many on some days if I want to be realistic :) fits, tantrums, meltdowns...whatever you want to call it when she doesn't get her way or do things EXACTLY as she thinks they need to be done.  When those moments arise we are in need of a quick sniff (as Pop calls it....where she rubs her nose with her blanket) and a pacifier (her Nuxy) to soothe an upset little girl and get her back on her way.  Chris, as a joke recently started yelling for blankey and nuxy when they are not right in your immediate eyesight or grasp.  Well Camryn has definitely picked up on this habit and is doing the same....she often walks around the house now yelling for blankey or nuxy...until she finds either or both of them.  I have to is the cutest thing ever... :)