November 12, 2011

Dryer Fun

     Camryn absolutely loves to "help."  She "helps" load the dishwasher, heat her milk, put Brohdi in his cage and most recently put clothes in the dryer.  She enjoys pushing the clothes that I lay on top of the dryer door into the dryer.  Sometimes she stands at the door and other times she climbs up on the door, sits on it and pushes the clothes in from there...nothing really out of the ordinary.  Yesterday she was sitting on the dryer door pushing the clothes in as usual and I was laying things on the drying rack while she was finishing.  I turn around to see this....

Climbing into the dryer...

So happy with herself :)

Round 2

After watching I learned she climbs up, sits on the door, balances on her knees and then does this :)

Exploring what's behind her

Look at me mom! :) She is so crazy!

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