February 25, 2011


Our little Cammie bear is sick for the first time ever! :(  Last night we went to my friend Hillary's and Cammie let us know that she was not happy! (Really, when I think back to it Camryn has been pretty clingy and a little crabby for the past few days.)  Around 9:30 Chris put Camryn in her bed and she actually went right to sleep (Side note: That is the first time we have EVER been able to just lay Camryn in her crib and she put herself to sleep....should have known something was wrong then.). At 4:50 I woke to her crying and just figured she had just lost her nuxy (pacifier), but I was wrong.  I walked in to quite the unpleasant smell.  Yep....doesn't a mom just LOVE to wake up that early to a poopy diaper! :)  Between an upset belly, low grade fever and some ear pulling I decided to call the doctor.  They tested C for strep, flu and checked in her ears, but everything came back negative.  Dr. Pringle said her throat was really red and that combined with her belly problems looked like it was just a virus at this point. :(  I guess that is good news (glad she doesn't have strep or the flu), but it just stinks to see her under the weather.  I hate that there really isn't anything I can do, other than hold and try to comfort her.  She really wants to be her normal, happy self and is at times, but just isn't. :( Let's hope this is a short lived virus and she gets right back to her normal self soon!

February 24, 2011

Half Birthday

Hard to believe Camryn is already 6 months old!  Where has the time gone?  

At 6 months Cammie is doing SO many things like....
  • weighing in at 18 pounds and in the 85th percentile in weight for her age (WOW! She went up over 3 pounds in 2 months!)
  • measuring 27 1/4 inches long and in the 95th percentile for height for her age
  • wearing a size 2/3 diaper (2's still fit, but are definitely getting snug, while 3's are a little too big)
  • primarily wears 6 month size clothes, however the pants are beginning to get too short (as always)
  • LOVES to eat, especially from a spoon (this is an understatement...this girl wants to eat all the time....clearly why she has grown SO much over the last few months!)
  • still eats between 5 and 6 ounces at a time, every 3 hours or so
  • sitting up on her own...not sure when this happened...two weeks or so ago she couldn't sit up by herself, but one day this week I sat her up to "practice" and she could do it all alone (Dr. Morgan told us at her 6 month appointment that Cammie will likely be pulling up and crawling before the average age due to her sitting up strength...dad is super excited about that...mom is a little nervous  :)
  • is still our fair skinned, strawberry blonde, blue-eyed girl!  Looks like this fair skin is here to stay...had to buy her an SPF 50+ sun hat for the baseball games, the pool and the beach! :)
  • still LOVES her Jump-a-Roo...it's pretty much her favorite toy! :)  We LOVE watching her bounce and bounce!
  • loves toys that light up and make noise
  • likes to eat her feet! :)
  • babbles constantly...I think she will have her mom's love of talking  :)
  • continues to LOVE the puppies...we love to watch her face light up when they walk within her sight...she is discovering their ears, eyes. etc. :)
  • experienced her first virus....that was not fun! :(
  • is on the move for as much as a 6 month can be...rolling, scooting, etc.
  • is the absolute love of our life....every day is so much brighter because of our Camryn! :)

    The best picture we have been able to take in a few days...Cammie has not been a fan of the camera in the last week that she has been sick., however she IS ready for the beach this summer! :)

February 20, 2011

Happy Birthday Nana and Pop!

Cammie has the best Nana and Pop a teeny tiny girl could ask for! She is so thankful they love and care about her as much as they do! We went to the Olive Garden (one of my dad's favorite restaurants :) with Nick. Chrissie, aunt, grandma and cousin to celebrate.  Cammie was super crabby all day today, so dinner was not as enjoyable as it could have been but we made it (either she was just having a bad day, or possibly cutting some teeth...wish I knew for sure...I feel like I have been saying this girl is teething forever! :)  We finished dinner with some yummy dessert and took our cranky baby home!  Hoping Nana and Pop had a wonderful birthday...we sure do love them!!!

Nana and Cammie

Cake from The Pie and Ice Cream Kitchen...yummy! :)

Aunt Tammy and Cammie (she always find the newest and coolest stuff for C...tonight she bought Cammie her first purse.  It's really a rattle in the shape of a purse, but C absolutely loves it! :)

February 18, 2011

Mickey Mania

Cammie's new favorite pajammies :)
     Our munchkin continues to love, love LOVE Mickey Mouse.  It seems like our house is being overran by The Mouse!  We listen to the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse CD in the car anytime we go anywhere.  Her little face just lights up in the mirror when she hears the Hot Dog song...unfortunately for anyone else in the car it plays over and over and over again.  It can kind of makes you feel like you are going crazy! :)

     All of our friends and family seem to know about Camryn's love for Mickey as they have discovered some pretty wonderful mouse finds.  Cammie's Aunt Tammy found her the perfect Mickey and Minnie Mouse valentine pajamas, in addition to some pint size stuffed animals.  Cammie takes her miniature Minnie with her every time she rides in the car.  She often has her arm wrapped around it and will sometimes fall asleep snuggled next to it.

So Sweet! :)
     Grandma also found a talking Mickey from the show that Camryn has fallen in love with it.  She will swiftly turn her head any direction to locate his voice when she hears it turn on.  She will often grab her Mickey and hold it as close to her as possible (also known as putting his nose in her mouth :).  She loves this Mickey so much, she has one at grandma's and one at home! :) It was a great find!

Her two favorite pals! :)
....thinking that trip to the House of Mouse will be in the VERY near future! :)

....also wondering if this is "normal" baby behavior?!?!  Maybe we created a monster! :)

February 15, 2011


     Camryn and I wanted to take the opportunity to let Chris know we are very proud of him!  

As many people know Chris received a RIF notice from teaching last year, even though he had been teaching in the same corporation for 3 years.  Last summer was somewhat scary and very unpredictable not knowing what the future held for him or us, especially with me being 7+ months pregnant.  After four different job opportunities presented themselves, Chris ultimately decided to return to Clarksville as their RtI Coordinator.  In addition to being in a familiar place, he is very dedicated to that school system in more ways than one.  

     By the end of last school year Chris was VERY frustrated with education.  He really wasn't sure if he wanted to continue teaching and/or working in schools.  After having the opportunity to clear his mind over the summer and completing the daily responsibilities of his new position, Chris decided to begin his Master's.  In January Chris started coursework to complete his administration license online at Ball State University.  Currently he is enrolled in 4 classes, in addition to coaching 5th and 6th grade basketball, continuing baseball conditioning to prepare his team for the start of official practice and being an amazing dad.  Camryn and I spend a lot of evenings alone (an early night for Chris is getting home at 7:00), but understand that it is temporary.  We miss him terribly, but know he is not only improving student's lives, but his and ours as well.

     Chris hears some positive, but many negative things about his position and why or how he got it.  I am not sure there are many people out there who care as much about the kids they work with as he does, including myself.  Chris is an incredible motivator and role model.  I try to remember how important what he does is each time I get frustrated at being home with Cammie alone.  Although we miss him terribly, we are VERY proud of what he is doing.  We love you Chris!

Making Beats

     Cammie is really into patting things and making noise with her left hand these days.  She is constantly hitting your hands, the table, her high chair tray, etc.  This past weekend we went to Rocky's for dinner with Chrissie, Nick, Meghan, Brad and Maddie.   While aunt Chrissie was graciously holding her while I ate, Cammie and fake uncle Nick (I have to clarify, since Cammie has a real uncle Nick :) were "making beats" as he calls it on the table.  I looked over and see the two of them hitting the table in a rhythmic fashion that only we could understand. It was so wonderful to see the two of them sharing such a close moment! :)

February 14, 2011

First Valentine's Day

    Camryn Marie celebrated her first Valentine's Day today!  Normally, I am not a huge fan of Valentine's Day.  Maybe I am cheap, but in the past I have had a few not so wonderful  thoughts about the day (overpriced flowers, Valentine party chaos at school, being tempted to eat candy, cookies and cupcakes that I definitely should not eat, etc.)  This year I didn't see Valentine's Day being any different until our friends and family started showering Cammie bear with some extremely wonderful and thoughtful gifts.  Don't get me wrong, this girl doesn't need or want for ANYTHING, but seeing so many of our closest friends and family members think of her on this day made me realize how loved she is.  We are so lucky that she has so many people to love and care about her!

P.S.  I think Cammie helped her mom get flowers.... :) I do love my 2 Valentine's!