September 3, 2012

Fashion Statement

     Today Cammie and I were headed to the store after a make-up gymnastics class to spend some wonderful Kohl's cash (don't you just love how they sucker you in with that stuff....I always, ALWAYS spend more than the amount I have to spend "free").  As usual I was making decisions about what I wanted to spend the money on and whether or not I wanted to get the extra stuff I managed to accumulate in my cart. :)  I decided to look at the shoes in Cammie's size before leaving, as fall is around the corner and I wanted to see if they had anything new come in.  Little Miss C was starting to get tired and requested to get out of the cart and I let her to avoid a two-year old tantrum in the middle of the store (mistake #1 :). She immediately finds a pair of shoes that light up and requests to put them on.  In an effort to appease her I found her size and let her try them on.  She immediately falls in love, begins to parade through the shoe aisle and refuses to take them off.  Needless to say, she pulled one over on me, suckered me in and of course got a new pair of shoes.  Although she does love them, I never thought she would have such a strong opinion at such a little age!

She wouldn't even take them off to change out of her leotard or for her nap...we couldn't even get the stickers off the bottom lol :)

September 2, 2012


     As usual I am behind on blogging...story of my life. :) I swear one of these days I will do something early or at least on time. :)  I have great intentions, but going back to work has done a whirlwind in our house!  Early morning runs, returning to work, soaking up every last minute of the summer sunshine and nice weather with my Cammie-bear and two +30 classes make it just a little hard to stay ahead of or even on top of anything.  I am slowly going to update the blog from vacation on until I get caught up again. :) Thank goodness for my camera....otherwise I'd forget everything. :)  Keep checking back....I promise to get it together soon!