March 31, 2011


     Cammie has her first set of teeth.....she has two bottom teeth coming in at the same time!  I am actually surprised at how well she has handled them so far.  She must have inherited her dad's pain tolerance, because mine is in the negatives!  Although we have slept a little more, drooled even more and had a runny nose she has been in a pretty good mood considering.  I just love when she smiles big enough so you can see them, but I am still trying to capture a picture of them...the camera just does not work fast enough!  

March 28, 2011

Spring Break

     SpRiNg BrEaK....was without a doubt an amazing, wonderful, much-needed week off!  
     First, Cammie and I started our spring break out on a mini shopping trip with Aunt Chrissie on Saturday!  The three of us headed to Old Navy in Oxmoor Mall first and then went to St. Matthew's for lunch at Chick-Fil-A (mom's favorite :), Forever 21 and The Children's Place.  Although spring weather was definitely in the air, I knew it wouldn't last for long...little Miss C. needed a few more pairs of pants, since she has grown out of most of her 6 month clothes.  We found some great deals on pants for her and loved browsing through the new, two-story Forever 21.  We ended our Saturday shopping trip with a surprise visit to see my grandpa.  Papaw has been waiting for Cammie to come see him for quite some time, so Chrissie and I surprised him with Cammie after shopping.

     Sunday Chris, Cammie and I traveled to Greensburg to visit our family.  Chris' dad's side of the family is quite large, so getting everyone together can sometimes be quite the feat.  Chris' cousin Michael was in town from Massachusettes, so Chris' uncle Tim and aunt Lisa invited everyone to their house for some yummy food and great company!

     Tuesday Chris, Cammie, Chrissie, Nick and I started our morning off at the zoo.  It was our first trip to the zoo of the year and it was a GORGEOUS day!  Cammie wasn't too impressed with the animals, but our little Nosy Nelly enjoyed all the people watching!  The five of us had such a great time and are so excited to take many more trips there this spring and summer!
Cammie's new favorite way to get around :)

Ready for the zoo!

The girlies... :)

Daddy and Cammie...she was definitely not interested in having her picture taken!

     After the zoo we headed to Five Guys for lunch (yummy....although ironically I eat a grilled cheese there, because I am not much of a burger person :), then separated from the boys as they golfed, picked up my mom and did a little more shopping.  Mom was looking for a stroller to use at her house to take Cammie for walks and Chrissie and I had a few returns/exchanges to do at Target and Kohls.  Once all the boys finished golfing, we ordered pizza and hung around the house for the rest of the evening (it really felt like a summer night...sooooo ready for those nights!!!).

     Thursday all the girls (Chrissie, Meghan, Maddie, Mom, Cammie and I) plus my dad headed to the outlet malls.  (Sidenote:  My dad is such a trooper....he has now driven us to the outlet malls twice to help with Cammie and offer larger trunk space than my car allows...Chris and I are in the process of looking for an SUV, but haven't found the perfect one yet...if we have an extremely good day at the outlets squeezing the stroller, bags and girls into the car can be a tight fit!  My dad is so awesome for offering (aka being begged) to drive and help out!)  Cammie was very well behaved at the outlets and was rewarded with a few things (she really needed nothing, but I am not able to resist :)  I found some great deals for Chris, but was really disappointed in the selection for me. :(  Chrissie and I live for outlet day so not finding too many deals can be super disappointing! :(  All of us were pretty exhausted after a day filled with shopping, but stopped at Cracker Barrel before heading home.  The girls were so stinkin' cute talking to each other at the table!  Although the big girls didn't have much luck finding things, we enjoyed a great day altogether! :)

Wonder what they are talking about??? :)

     We began Friday by meeting my grandpa for lunch at McAlisters.  He just loves his great granddaughter Cammie and she thinks he is pretty neat too!  I just love watching them look and interact with one another! So precious!  After lunch we headed to Babies "R" Us to buy a second convertible car seat (so frustrated that I researched and researched Camryn's convertible car seat, but didn't see that it can't be rear facing ANYWHERE in the description or reviews....ugh....still a little frustrated by that if you can't tell :) and then headed home for a small cookout with our neighbors and best friends.

Camryn was VERY excited about her lunch! :)

A few of her favorite guys! :)
     Saturday my mom and dad took Camryn on their trip to the country with my aunt and grandma to visit my grandma's sister.  I literally did not know what to do with myself!  It is a two hour trip each way, so I had most of the day to do anything I chose....I chose to run errands and go to the Y.  For the first time since Cammie was born I had an awesome workout!  I wasn't worried about rushing home or picking her up so I ran, rode the bike, did a cross trainer AND lifted weights!  Although I missed her, I definitely enjoyed the ME time!

     Finally, we ended spring break celebrating Chris' dad's birthday!  Chris' family came out to our house to celebrate with dinner and dessert.  It was a great way to end our break!

Although we were sad to see spring break come to an end we are DEFINITELY ready to begin the official countdown to summer!  Only 9 more Mondays to wake up.... :)

March 26, 2011

So, so determined.....

Our little Camryn definitely inherited her dad's determination... (I think this is a much nicer way of saying
stubbornness :) she was doing everything she could to push/roll despite the bar to her play gym being in the way! :)

I'm trying to get through bar!

Maybe if I just push really hard with my cheek...

or get really mad....

What???? Was I doing something funny?

March 24, 2011

So Naughty...

     Mom can't even turn her back for 1 second!  Look what happened while I turned around to wash Camryn's dinner dishes...            

Love her look here..."yep I did it...what are you going to do about it?"

Her newly "painted" Bumbo seat
    ....Little Miss grabbed the container of baby food, turned it over and was playing in it during the 30 second it took me to rinse out her dinner dishes and turn back around....guess mom learned a good lesson tonight! :) Love these laughable moments! :)

7 months

The love of our lives!

     Wow...time is really flying!  Camryn Marie is 7 months old today!  It doesn't seem possible that seven months ago we were getting ready to welcome our baby girl into our lives for the first time! As much as I hate that my precious baby is getting big, she has become so much fun!  At seven months Cammie...

  • wears 6-9 month clothing (6 month pants are definitely short pants on her now!)
  • wears a size 3 diaper
  • wears a size 2 shoe
  • continues to grow, grOW, GROW
  • is slowly sampling new baby foods....we have moved from stage 1 to stage 2 foods....mixed ingredients = yummy! :) (So far she is a fan of the banana yogurt blends, apple cherry, pear pineapple,  and apple strawberry banana and teeny tiny bites of mashed potatoes)
  • eats 3 "meals" a day (breakfast: flavored cereal  lunch: rice cereal and baby food dinner: rice cereal and baby food)
  • drinks 7 ounces of milk (3 1/2 - 4 bottles a day)
  • is mobile....not yet crawling, but scooting and rolling EVERYWHERE!  She will go from one side of the room to the other and back in the blink of an eye!
  • favors her right side when rolling
  • LOVES to be outside
  • sits up to play
  • can almost pull herself up by herself...she is so, so close
  • reaches and wants EVERYTHING!  Objects are no longer safe if they are in her reach :)
  • has the most adorable laugh....she just lets out a great big laugh when something is too funny!
  • "talks" and babbles non-stop!
  • can give her dad a high five (he is the only one she seems to do this trick for every time)
  • is a very happy and an active baby
  • still is not a napper...she often has1 good nap a day (hour and a half to two hours) and fights sleep cat naps the remainder of the day 
  • continues to love the jump-a-roo, toys that light up and/or make music, soft blankets and the puppies

Night Night

  These days we are trying to get Camryn into a bedtime routine (meaning we are trying to get her to go to bed earlier....10:00 or 10:30 is way too late for our princess to be going to sleep).  Mom knows most of the responsibility will fall on her (since baseball games will start two weeks from today), but at least Camryn is pretty good about showing signs that she is ready for her last bottle and bed.  When Camryn is super tired she rubs her eyes (frequently), rubs her left ear and takes her blanket she snuggles with and rubs her nose back and forth with it (such sweet gestures I want to remember forever!).  We know this is the time to turn all the lights off, snuggle close and get ready for night night.  Right now she is going to bed around 9:00, but we are trying to push that time back even farther.  Ideally, we would like her to go to bed around 8:30....which will be a major adjustment in the Kane household!

March 21, 2011

Welcome Spring

     It feels like spring has finally sprung!  We are definitely ready for warm weather in our house! We know warm weather brings baseball games, food from the grill, beautiful flowers, evening walks and lots of time outside! 

     The weather has been wonderful for the last few days and we have definitely taken advantage of it!  Camryn and I have walked or ran outside (well Chrissie and I ran...Cammie rode in the jogging stroller :) almost every day for the last 5 or 6 straight days!  We are loving this weather and wish we knew it was here to stay!
Camryn has been LOVING the warm weather...she is definitely ready to go!

March 18, 2011

Loving the puppy

As I have said in many blog posts, our little Camryn just LOVES the puppies.  When I walked in and saw this....

Cammie and Zoey..snuggling at night :)

  my heart just melted!   

March 10, 2011

Happy Birthday Aunt Chrissie

Today Cammie and I are wishing Aunt Chrissie a happy 25th birthday!  
Celebrating with the birthday girl at Texas Roadhouse...Cammie was clearly not a fan of taking pictures at that moment! :)


     Aunt Chrissie is VERY special to us!  Chrissie and I have been the best of friends for the last 6 years.  We actually went to high school together and lived only two streets apart our whole lives, but didn't become close to one another until college.  Chrissie's husband, Nick and I worked together at the YMCA and could not keep those memorable moments of playing basketball, hot Cheetos and staying way past 6:00 to ourselves.  From that moment on Red's games, overnight trips and spending tons of time together began!  Chrissie is without a doubt one of the most important people in my life.  She is an amazing person! She is the best friend a girl could ask for and is so wonderful to our Cammie-bear!  It is impossible to sum up how much she means to us in in this short blog post, but we love her more than anything!  Happy birthday Aunt deserve the best!

March 6, 2011

Baby Dedication

Yesterday was a big day for our little munchkin!

Camryn enjoyed her first big screen moment as part of the 2011 Baby Dedication at Northside!

Here she is for all of Northside to see :)
Of course our little Cammie loved being on stage....watching herself on the big screen, loved looking at the lights and showing everyone how great she is at throwing/spitting her Nuxy across the floor. :) (She LOVES being the center of attention already...we may be in some serious trouble as she grows! :)

Camryn is way more interested in her baby friend then what is going on! :)

Still on stage...
The ceremony actually meant more to us, as we have come to call Northside home.  Chris and I were married in a Catholic church almost 4 years ago, but just never felt connected there.  Chrissie continued to tell us how much she loved church, so we thought we would give Northside a try.  Needless to say, we love it there and are hopeful that Camryn will connect there as well.   They have so many wonderful programs and we hope that this is one of the first steps we take as a family to get even more connected with Him!

Celebrating with mom afterwards at dinner :)