- weighs 21.6 pounds (in the high 80's for percentile of kids her age)
- is 29 inches long (still in the high 90's for percentile of kids her age)
- wears a size 3 diaper
- wears sizes 6-12, 9 or 12 months in clothes
- has graduated to a convertible car seat (she was too long for her infant seat...her little feet hung over the edge :)
- crawls using only her arms...she army crawls/creeps/scoots to get where or what she wants
- can move from her belly to sitting upright
- LOVES to stand and hold on to things (like the couch)..I feel like we do this all day :)
- uses objects as leverage to pull up (blankets on the couch, bumpers on her beds, drawers on the tv stand)
- LOVES walking with you while you hold her hands
- has started eating table food (favorites so far include dad's pancakes, bananas, crackers, bread, watermelon)...eating like a big girl makes her very happy!
- uses her thumb and pointer finger to grab finger foods
- will drink milk from a sippy cup
- doesn't seem to like water or juice water....she pretty much will only drink milk
- loves listening to you read books..her favorites include: Click Clack Moo Cows That Type, Barnyard Bath (in the bathtub) and Robert the Rose Horse
- still has a love for those soft blankets....she can't sleep without them (she rubs her nose back and forth it while she is going to sleep)
- is still of fan of Special Agent Oso and Mickey Mouse....she will stop anything she is doing when The Hot Dog song comes on
- is a fan of toys that light up and make noise, in addition to the tv remote and cell phones (stinker)
- continues to love bath time
- had her first ear infection :( (the day after her 9 month birthday)
- was putting herself to sleep before her ear infection...getting her to sleep at night since has become quite the challenge!
- is our whole world! Chris and I are so blessed to have such a happy, healthy baby girl! We love you Camryn Kane!
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