October 29, 2011


     This week was a rough week in the Kane household :(  Camryn started Sunday with what I thought was a bug, but really still am not even sure what was going on.  For 4 1/2 days straight Camryn battled diarrhea.  It wasn't constant, but every time she pooped we had to mess with it. Because of the diarrhea her bottom got so red we were not able to use wipes either...so without including any more graphic details it was a crazy, yucky week around here.  Everytime we would think she was getting better it would surface again.  We kept her as close to the BRAT diet as she would allow and tried to limit her milk as much as possible.  Although she wasn't too happy about that, it seemed to work and we were definitely in the clear by Friday.  I never thought I would be so interested or concerned with poop....definitely glad that week is over!

*Sidenote....Since Camryn's molars have started coming in (about 3 weeks or a month ago) she has stopped sleeping in her bed (again) through the night.  She goes to sleep just fine, transitions perfectly into her bed, but will wake up screaming anywhere between 1:00 and 3:00 in the morning.  If you try to give her Nuxy (her pacifier) or her blanket she gets even more upset and cries harder.  She is a fighter and very stubborn...she cries far longer than I am able to take it, especially at that hour.  I am really struggling with getting her to sleep in her bed all night and getting sleep myself.  Last night (since it was the weekend) I even rocked her back to sleep once (hysterical at 1:30 when I put her back in her bed ) and patted her to sleep in bed with me (again as soon as I tried putting her in her crib she went crazy).  At 2:15 I just couldn't do it anymore and put her in bed with us.  Anybody have any suggestions or ideas?  I desperately want her to sleep and us too! :)

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