I feel like in the blink of an eye my little C Monster has completely turned from baby to toddler. We have started the independent stage.....as exciting as it is to see her take charge I know many moms can understand the frustration it brings as well! :) I can no longer put her in her car seat and go...I have to wait and let her try to buckle the top straps. If I try to take over or rush her in any way I get a very prominent, "NO!" in her adorable high pitched voice. :) We are currently battling a hand holding phase....Little Miss thinks that she should be able to walk on her own...EVERYWHERE! We are really trying to teach her the difference in sidewalks and streets and when she must hold a hand to be safe. Steps are another battle we face...she is a stair master! Basement, concrete, you name it she can and will do it all.by.herself! She makes me a nervous wreck at my mom and dad's house, because she insists on going up and DOWN the big concrete steps on her own like a big person. No more crawling up..she stands and maneuvers them like a pro! Last night I was sitting and playing with her and some toys downstairs. She has a picnic basket that she can sort the different blocks that are shaped liked food. Not only was she sorting the heart, circle, triangle and square in the correct holes, but she was also matching the colors on the picnic blanket with the shapes as well. It blew my mind that she was matching the yellow block to the yellow shape on the blanket, the red block to the red shape on the blanket, etc. Where did she learn to do that? We have been talking a lot about colors and their names, but I was just amazed at how those little wheels were turning! She is getting, so, so big!
She's at such a fun age, Amie! :)