Cammie is officially a BIG girl! This morning was no different than any other Sunday morning (other than this momma did NOT have the Sunday blues as we were officially starting spring break...FINALLY! :) Chris made a wonderful breakfast and we were trying to get everyone moving and motivated to get dressed so Cammie could go for an Easter egg hunt with Tammy. After clearing the table, washing the dishes, getting dressed and putting the dogs in their crates we were ready to we thought. Cam had been wandering around the house looking and yelling for Nuxy. Chris and I joined the search and after 15-20 minutes of tearing the house apart we couldn't find it anywhere. :( We continued looking for a few minutes longer, but were pressed for time and were already running late. Reluctantly we left, not knowing what to expect. :/ My aunt assured us she would be okay and encouraged us to run some errands without Cam, while she played with her friends at the Easter lunch and egg hunt. To our surprise Cam's friend Aubrey was there, which probably made Cam's day! Chris and I stayed pretty close and picked her up somewhat early, not wanting to put Tammy through the agony we knew would come. Chris and I continued to look for the missing Nuxy, moving furniture, cushions, name it. The first day was pretty much how we expected.....complete confusion and not knowing how to comfort herself when it was time to sleep. (Bye-bye operation sleep in her bed ALL night during spring break plan :(
As I write this post 5 days later...we are still struggling with going to sleep without Nuxy. Surprisingly, she hasn't asked for it since the morning of day 3, but we can't seem to help her calm down or relax enough to sleep well without it. It takes us an hour or more to get her to sleep without Nuxy. For naps we are lucky if she sleeps an hour and bedtime is a nightmare. The good side she is talking SO much more without it. I love traveling in the car with her as she inquires, asks questions and thinks about EVERYTHING going on as we pass by. The bad side...she talks SO much! She never sleeps because she never stops talking. :) Nevertheless we are thankful for car rides....the motion of the car puts her to sleep at nap time every time! (We just wish it would last once we moved her from her car seat into the house.)
Although I would have treasured the sleep from spring break, I never want to forget how much she grew during this week. I think her vocabulary expanded by at least 100 words. I watched her think, wonder and ask so many thoughts and questions. I watched her talk with her friends and engage in conversations with adults that I have never seen before. To reward her for being such a big girl we added a new member to our Toy Story family. :) We took Cam to The Disney Store where she immediately picked out Bullseye (or Bullsaisle as she calls him :). Can't believe my baby is so big!!! Where has the time gone???
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