June 30, 2011

Congratulations Aunt C.!

     We are so proud of Camryn's "Aunt" Chrissie!  Today Chrissie finished the IUS Writing Project and invited us to her celebration!  Chrissie is an amazing inspiration as a teacher!  She is that teacher who volunteers for everything, never says no and does whatever it takes to ensure her students are getting the best instruction, strategies and activities possible!  She coaches cheerleading, manages student council, serves on the leadership team, just finished her Master's, decided to start her +30 all in addition to teaching in a classroom each and every day!  Again, she is incredible!
      Although I think the Writing Project would be an amazing learning opportunity I can honestly say I don't think I could devote the time to it that is required, especially now with Cammie.  Chrissie was so excited to have the opportunity and rarely complained about the amount of time she spent at IUS the entire month of June!  She talked about all the great lesson ideas she received and seemed so excited about the opportunity to write and about the experience in general.  We are so, so proud of Aunt C. and feel beyond blessed that she loves us as much as she does.  I honestly don't know how I would survive without her!  Congratulations Aunt C.! We LOVE you!
Camryn and her amazing Aunt C. :)

June 29, 2011

Lost Blanket

     Today we thought our lives were over.... :(  We thought we lost THE blanket!  If you spend any time with Camryn Kane you know her attachment to soft blankets.  Originally she didn't have an attachment to one specific blanket, as long as it was soft and fuzzy enough to rub her nose with she was happy with whatever blanket she had.  When the weather began to warm up Cammie needed to utilize a blanket that wasn't so large and/or heavy.  For Christmas Tara had found a small blanket that was hot pink, soft and fuzzy on one side and silk on the other, which ended up being the perfect size for warmer temperatures and our hot-natured Camryn.  She has developed quite an attachment to this blanket since spring.  If you watch her when she sleeps she looks for certain spots on it to rub with her fingers and when she finds the spot she wants will rub it back and forth on her nose.  This is her thing. This is how we get to sleep EVERY SINGLE TIME we fall asleep.  My grandma has always joked since she was little that she is suffocating herself when she sleeps. :) She just has to have that blanket, right under nose, rubbing it back and forth in order to sleep.  Anyways...I digress...Camryn was very tired when we went into the mall, so naturally had her blanket in the stroller with her.  We ran to a few different stores, had a snack and were just coming out of The Disney Store when I realized the blanket was missing.  I tried to be calm as we retraced our steps looking for this necessity.  We returned to Old Navy and upon asking an employee said he remembered a lady finding a blanket, wasn't sure if what she did with it, asking about 10 employees, none of them could identify where the blanket was.  Finally, one of the employees remembered a lady with it and they were able to track it down. Thank Goodness!  I don't think we could have left for vacation without it!  We are so thankful to the lady that turned it in...wish I could have thanked her in person and express our gratitude for saving our sanity! :)

Sidenote:  I really didn't mean for this to be a dramatic post, but wanted to remember this excursion and how it taught me to either leave the blanket in the car if it is not necessary or keep my eyes on it at all times when she has it out in public. :)

June 27, 2011


     If you spend anytime at all with Camryn you know she is very, VERY vocal!  She is constantly jabbering, talking, squealing or screaming.  If she is awake she is usually making noise. :)  The only time you don't hear her is when she is doing something mischievous...such as playing in the dog's water bowl...her new favorite activity :) Although we love hearing that sweet voice, Chris and I have encountered a problem and are open to any suggestions you may have.  Camryn has started screaming to get the point across that she wants something you are not giving her.  Usually it starts off as just trying to get someone's attention (ours, whoever we are eating with, a stranger passing by who is not giving her the attention she thinks she deserves :), but can quickly turn into a tantrumish ordeal.  It is particularly hard to deal with in a restaurant.  We have been working the past few weeks on teaching her the sign for "more" in an effort to help her better communicate what she wants, however she is very uninterested in learning and/or using the sign. I struggle with whether or not to introduce more signs, as she has not shown the slightest bit of interest/understanding with the one we are trying to practice with her.  Any ideas???

Ear Issues :(

     As Cammie gets older I feel like I know her so much better...I know her cries, I know her squeals (the good and the bad :), I know her likes, loves and dislikes, the schedule she should be on, the milestones she has already, should be or is getting ready to accomplish....but when it comes to those ears I feel like I constantly question whether she is tired, teething or hurting. :(  Cammie messes with her ears constantly...when she is tired, playing or when they hurt.  It's almost like you have to watch exactly what she does with her ears to get any kind of sign of why she may be messing with them.

     I have questioned, worried and wondered whether or not her ears were bothering her since Friday.  I guess it is a little bit of mother's intuition, but I hoped that I was just jumping the gun.  Friday Camryn started with a runny nose and congestion.  Although she was pretty happy most of the day, there were a few times when I questioned whether she was feeling okay.  Her runny nose continued through Saturday, but she continued to play, eat regularly and act like her regular self most of the time so I just couldn't put my finger on whether or not she was under the weather.  After talking with a dear friend (thanks Danielle :) and watching her put her fingers inside of her ears, not just brush them like she does when she is tired I decided to call and have her ears checked at the doctor today.  Sure enough....Dr. Pringle confirmed she had fluid and a little puss build-up on her left ear.  Not quite an infection yet, but we are treating it like one since she just had an ear infection less than a month ago and we are leaving for vacation Friday.  I just wish I knew right away....I just hate always guessing and leaving her in pain any longer than she has to be :(

June 26, 2011

Celebrating with Nana and Pop

      Sunday Nana and Pop invited us along with Nick and Chrissie to their favorite restaurant, John E's to celebrate their anniversary a little early.  We actually share the same anniversary date (June 30th), but because my mom is working every day this week she won't be able to celebrate on the actual day.  My mom, dad, Chris and Nick L. think their steaks are the best!  I am not much of a steak eater so I can't weigh in on the issue, but they are definitely fans!  

Camryn munching on cheese and crackers
     Sometimes John E's has live entertainment and we were lucky enough to have the opportunity to listen to a live band while we ate. :)  The singer for the band was an older woman and boy was she ornery, but she LOVED Camryn!  She came over about 20 times to talk and play with her and even dedicated a special song to her. :)  
Camryn dancing to the band's music :)

We had a great time (as always) and were glad we could celebrate such a special day with my mom and dad!

June 25, 2011

Graduation Good-bye

Our family friends: Tara, Sam, Jesse and Isaac invited us to a celebration/send-off/goodbye dinner at Tumbleweed on the river for Sam as he is beginning preparation for college in the fall.  Our families became friends what seems like just a few years ago, but I guess it's been 8 or more...definitely hard to believe how fast time passes!  We became friends because Nick and Sam are the same age and played youth football, basketball and baseball together when they were younger.  Many times my dad actually coached the boys and through all the practices and games our families became very close, sharing multiple dinners, special occasions and vacations together.  Sam graduated from Jeffersonville High School in the spring and will return to their original home, Wisconsin to attend college.  We wish Sam the best and are thankful we had the opportunity to spend one, last dinner together before he leaves!

Isaac trying to give Cammie a kiss...so sweet! :)

As you can see she is a fan of walking...definitely loving it and ready to move on her own!
Making beats on the concrete (as Uncle Nick L. would say :)

Checking out Isaac on Pop's shoulders

Love the expressions from both :)

Pancakes....Yum! :)

     Uncle Nick's football team is working hard to raise money for the upcoming season and held a pancake breakfast/car wash at Beef O'Brady's this morning.  Camryn was a fan of this fundraiser because she LOVES pancakes!  I didn't get any pictures of Cammie eating pancakes (these days Cammie is way too busy AND impatient for me to take pictures while she is eating.  She pretty much has whatever is on tray eaten before I can get anything else cut up for her...she's a mess I tell you!), but did have an opportunity to steal a few shots that were taken after we ate.

We are a little far away, but you can see Nana, Cammie & I, Pop and Chrissie waiting on Nick to come out.

Cammie and her Pop

One happy Pop with his Camryn! :)
     Funny sidenote:  No one in my family was brave enough to let any of those boys wash our cars....in fact my dad gave the team a $20 donation NOT to touch his truck.  (If you have ever seen my brother wash my mom's car you may know why my dad had his mind set on keeping those boys away from my truck. :) Although I wil give Nick credit for trying, being employed at the Wash O'Rama is definitely not in his future! :)

June 24, 2011

10 Months

     I feel like I always begin these monthly posts with, "it doesn't seem possible that she can already be....," but it just seems like time is flying by!  I can't believe we are two months away from my baby being a year old!  It makes me both happy and sad.  I am so happy that we have been blessed with such a happy, healthy baby!  She is full of energy and is growing up into such a fun-loving girl! Chris and I are loving this stage she is!  Although she is into EVERYTHING....she loves being able to move and go as she pleases. Some of the things Camryn is doing right now are:
  • wearing 9-12 months in clothes
  • wearing a size 3 diaper
  • wearing size 3 in shoes
  • weighing a little over 22 pounds
  • is working on her top two teeth...they look like they have come through, but are hard to see!
  • crawling, creeping and cruising (I love the way she follows behind me from room to room :)
  • "walking" with help: she loves to hold on to your hands and go!
  • is fearless...will lunge from one object to another, despite how far away it is...definitely not afraid to test the limits and try things on her own
  • eating so many solid foods  (bananas, Hawaiian bread, watermelon, cheese, goldfish, green beans, mashed or baked potatoes, pancakes and applesauce are some of her favorites...she pretty much eats ANYTHING)
  • eats constantly....she will honestly eat all day if you let her
  • has 3 "meals" a day: it really just depends on the day and what we are eating as to what she eats for each meal (generally drinks milk and eats a fruit in the morning, has a variety of fruit for lunch and has a vegetable and/or protein for dinner...she is pretty much done with cereal unless we are eating something at lunch or dinner she cannot have..(she has really started to push it away...as if to say, "mom, I know you have something that tastes way better" :)
  • drinking water and milk from a cup (definitely prefers milk, but will drink water if she's thirsty :)
  • usually only has 2 bottles a day; one first thing in the morning and one before bed
  • has really started to show her temper and personality...(see my post after this one about screaming)
  • experiencing some stranger anxiety/extra clingyness to mommy
  • loves reading books, especially those by Sandra Boynton
  • LOVES taking baths (however has learned she can stand up in the bathtub now)
  • is starting to give kisses when asked :)
  • sometimes opens and closes her hand to wave hi and bye now
  • continuing to love the dogs...her mission each day is to pet and play with them as much as possible (but she really loves all dogs)
Our sweet, happy girl! :)  Definitely the center of our world!

Standing Alone

Camryn stood alone for the first time today!  My aunt was playing with her on the floor, stood her up and let go.  Camryn stood there for quite some time, showing off her leg strength and balancing skills!  

We know it is just a matter of time before Ms. Cammie will be teeter-tottering around and walking!  I am definitely not rushing it, but she is ready! She wants to walk SO bad!  She has definitely become quite the daredevil and is pretty fearless when it comes to letting go and trying to grab something else.  As she cruises the couch now, when she comes to the corner she tests her skills by reaching as far as possible to the other side, rather than holding on the entire time.  She will also cruise anything she can stand on and move along (the bathroom door, the light and music table, ANYTHING).

June 21, 2011


Camryn has become quite the helper now that she can move. Check her out! :)

     Her favorite activity these days is racing to the refrigerator or dishwasher when the door opens.  Once she notices she cannot move fast enough! :)  She goes as fast as she can and will quickly appear under your feet or standing on the side.  Love that she wants to help :)  Hope it continues later in life!

June 20, 2011

Way Behind!!!

I am very, very, VERY behind on updating the blog and posting all about Miss Camryn.  Things have been absolutely crazy the last few weeks around here!  Chris and I both finally finished the school year, but have been working on graduate classes the last few weeks.  Chris is working on his administration license online through Ball State University and I am working on my +30 at IUS.  In addition, Chris accepted a new position at Clarksville and has been out of town quite a bit for training.  With vacation coming up next week...it seems like there just isn't enough time to do anything, especially update the blog! :)  I am determined to get it completely updated before we leave so keep checking back to see what Cammie has up to! :)

June 19, 2011

Father's Day

     Although you hear "mum, mum, mum" when Camryn is hungry, sick or tired she absolutely adores her dad any other part of the day!  Chris and Camryn play anything and everything together.  Dad is definitely the fun guy who does the craziest things and gets her to laugh that wonderful laugh that comes deep down from her belly.  (I LOVE that laugh!)  She and I are so lucky he is a part of our lives.

     We started our Father's Day celebration opening presents with Chris and then had breakfast at my mom and dad's house (I forgot to take pictures of Chris opening his gifts, but Camryn picked out some new golf belts, a new golf polo and a new pair of Sperry shoes :).  Even though it was Father's Day my dad decided to make breakfast (I LOVE his breakfast; funny how you get so used to something specific....I think my dad makes the best biscuit and gravy...I was so excited to have an opportunity to enjoy it! :) and invited us down to eat with him.  It was delicious!  Next we gave Pop his gift, a new IU Titleist  golf hat! :) I was so proud of myself for finding this!  My dad is incredibly hard to buy for (he is just guilty of buying what he wants and likes, when he wants :) and his old one was getting pretty ragged.  When he opened it he started laughing, because of course he had just bought it for himself a week or so ago.  Go figure!  He is a mess!

     Next, we headed over to Louisville to visit my grandpa and run a few errands in the mall.  Mom and I were on the search for some shorts and Chris was looking for some new tennis shoes. We were in and out of the mall pretty quickly (especially for me) and headed to my grandpa's. He was so excited (as always) to see Camryn, especially on this special day!

     Finally, we ended our day with dinner at Famous Dave's with Chris' dad and family.  They must have gotten there at a good time, because we didn't have to wait super long (which can be difficult with Ms. Camryn :).  We enjoyed a great dinner and spending time together afterwards!  It was such a great day! We definitely feel blessed to have so many great men in our lives! :)

Chris and Camryn at Famous Dave's (Cammie had a hard time because of the sun...she didn''t/couldn't look in any of the 5 or 6 we tried to take)

June 6, 2011

Water Bug

     We took Cammie swimming for the first time this weekend and she absolutely LOVED it!!!

Look at that face! :)

First dunk in the big pool

Playing with mom

Loving her expressions!

Splashing and kicking with Aunt C

Look at that face!

Mom's favorite! :)

Swimming, swimming, swimming

Splish splash....

Too fun!