June 27, 2011


     If you spend anytime at all with Camryn you know she is very, VERY vocal!  She is constantly jabbering, talking, squealing or screaming.  If she is awake she is usually making noise. :)  The only time you don't hear her is when she is doing something mischievous...such as playing in the dog's water bowl...her new favorite activity :) Although we love hearing that sweet voice, Chris and I have encountered a problem and are open to any suggestions you may have.  Camryn has started screaming to get the point across that she wants something you are not giving her.  Usually it starts off as just trying to get someone's attention (ours, whoever we are eating with, a stranger passing by who is not giving her the attention she thinks she deserves :), but can quickly turn into a tantrumish ordeal.  It is particularly hard to deal with in a restaurant.  We have been working the past few weeks on teaching her the sign for "more" in an effort to help her better communicate what she wants, however she is very uninterested in learning and/or using the sign. I struggle with whether or not to introduce more signs, as she has not shown the slightest bit of interest/understanding with the one we are trying to practice with her.  Any ideas???


  1. Been there done that on the screaming. I think a lot of it is for attention. . .at least it was for K. He can be a rotten little booger. ☺ We did have a lot of luck with sign language. There is a dvd called Baby Signing Time that someone recommended and K still loves watching it. It helped him communicate with us and not get frustrated. It will pass. I know it seems insane at the time, but it will! ;)

  2. Thanks for your input Jill...Camryn is the definition of rotten! I figured it was mostly an attention thing, but just so hard to know what to do in that situation...I just hate those looks people give and they make me question if I am doing the right thing :) I will also look for that DVD...definitely would like her to pick up on the signing!
