June 24, 2011

10 Months

     I feel like I always begin these monthly posts with, "it doesn't seem possible that she can already be....," but it just seems like time is flying by!  I can't believe we are two months away from my baby being a year old!  It makes me both happy and sad.  I am so happy that we have been blessed with such a happy, healthy baby!  She is full of energy and is growing up into such a fun-loving girl! Chris and I are loving this stage she is!  Although she is into EVERYTHING....she loves being able to move and go as she pleases. Some of the things Camryn is doing right now are:
  • wearing 9-12 months in clothes
  • wearing a size 3 diaper
  • wearing size 3 in shoes
  • weighing a little over 22 pounds
  • is working on her top two teeth...they look like they have come through, but are hard to see!
  • crawling, creeping and cruising (I love the way she follows behind me from room to room :)
  • "walking" with help: she loves to hold on to your hands and go!
  • is fearless...will lunge from one object to another, despite how far away it is...definitely not afraid to test the limits and try things on her own
  • eating so many solid foods  (bananas, Hawaiian bread, watermelon, cheese, goldfish, green beans, mashed or baked potatoes, pancakes and applesauce are some of her favorites...she pretty much eats ANYTHING)
  • eats constantly....she will honestly eat all day if you let her
  • has 3 "meals" a day: it really just depends on the day and what we are eating as to what she eats for each meal (generally drinks milk and eats a fruit in the morning, has a variety of fruit for lunch and has a vegetable and/or protein for dinner...she is pretty much done with cereal unless we are eating something at lunch or dinner she cannot have..(she has really started to push it away...as if to say, "mom, I know you have something that tastes way better" :)
  • drinking water and milk from a cup (definitely prefers milk, but will drink water if she's thirsty :)
  • usually only has 2 bottles a day; one first thing in the morning and one before bed
  • has really started to show her temper and personality...(see my post after this one about screaming)
  • experiencing some stranger anxiety/extra clingyness to mommy
  • loves reading books, especially those by Sandra Boynton
  • LOVES taking baths (however has learned she can stand up in the bathtub now)
  • is starting to give kisses when asked :)
  • sometimes opens and closes her hand to wave hi and bye now
  • continuing to love the dogs...her mission each day is to pet and play with them as much as possible (but she really loves all dogs)
Our sweet, happy girl! :)  Definitely the center of our world!

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