July 27, 2011


As I was deleting e-mails from my ever-growing inbox for my hotmail account (I primarily use this e-mail address anytime anyone or any company requests it, thus resulting in TONS of junk mail) I came across this tidbit of information generated from a website that sends me weekly posts on what I may see from Camryn at her particular age:
  • seemingly odd behaviors might start around now, like hand banging or hair pulling.  No one knows what causes them, though some researchers theorize that they're a reaction to the stress of all that they are learning.
In the last few weeks Camryn has started pulling (what I would consider to be pretty hard) on the thicker hair she has on the back of her head.  She typically does it when she is overly tired, which if the above statement is true completely makes sense!  It was so ironic that I discovered this information tonight, because when I saw her do it yesterday I just couldn't get over how odd it was that she had started that terrible habit.  Who knew she may just be stressed! :)

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