August 29, 2011

Playing Outside

     These days Cammie is all about playing outside.  She plays outside during the day with Nana and Pop or Grandma and usually as soon as we get home.  If I let her down in the garage she goes straight for the pink car, gets in and is ready to go for a ride.  She then wants to run up and down the driveway, around the cul-de-sac, to the neighbors, you name it!  We try to walk with her and the puppies regularly, in addition to the time she spends playing outside. She would play outside for hours if you let her. 
Toes in the grass... :)

On a mission...down the driveway

Playing with dad :)

Standing in the wagon...(she's fearless!)

Just hanging around :)

Coming back :)

Lovin' the water!

And yes...even in our pjs we play outside...even after a bath and as soon as it stopped raining :)
     I am so happy she loves the outdoors and getting dirty (well most of the time), because that is what being a kid is all about (even if it means double the baths :)!

Friday Night Football

     Friday nights in the Kane househould are dedicated to high school football.  Uncle Nick is a senior this year and we travel to all of his games, whether they play at home or away (especially since I missed do many last year when C was so little).  I love to watch him play and Cammie loves to run around in the bleachers or wherever she can go! :)  Can't believe this is our last year...what in the world will we do with our fall Friday nights next year???

Not the best picture...C had 3 shots that day and was NOT wanting to be held.  Just had to post it though...he would never pose for a picture with anyone other than her :)
     I can't believe how grown up all of our brothers and sisters are!  When Chris and I started dating they were all so young (second grade or younger!).  Now Nate has gone away to school, Nick will graduate this year and Maggie is a freshman in high school.  Can't believe how fast time flies!


August 25, 2011

Camryn's Day

     Although we haven't had Camryn's birthday party or the opportunity to celebrate with everyone I wanted to post a few pictures of the beginning of C's week and a half birthday celebration!  Birthdays only come once a year and I try to make sure they are celebrated right! :)

     Since Camryn's actual birthday fell on a Wednesday and I had to work she spent most of the day with her Pop (and Nana some too :).  They had a great day filled with Chick-Fil-A for lunch (her favorite), a visit to Granny and a chcolate doughnut for dessert complete with a candle in the middle.  Chris picked C up (of course we had a meeting that day :(  and they headed to the store to pick up a celebration treat and a last minute gift Camryn "picked out" while they were there.  We ended the day celebrating with Chrissie and Nick eating C's favorite...chicky :)

The birthday girl when she first woke up...not too happy yet :)

A little happier now...thanks Aunt Vickie for her cute birthday girl pj's :)

Cammie and mom...taking a break from the pink car for a quick picture

Aunt Chrissie and C

The cake C "picked out" at Wal-Mart with her dad :)


Making sure she doesn't lose any cookie :)

     On Thursday Cammie got to celebrate her day with grandma!  Chris' mom kept C an extra day to spend some birthday time with her.  Unfortunately I don't have any pictures, but when I picked her up C had a ton of new toys to play with there, including a doll stroller and lawn mower :) Thanks grandma, grandpa, Maggie and Nate!

     Thursday evening we went to dinner with mom and dad, because mom has been working a ton and we haven't had an opportunity to spend much time altogether.  We headed to Wick's for dinner, but picked it knowing how much C loves pizza (celebration day 2 ya know :).

Funny Faces :)

I love this picture :)

Nana and Cammie

Thank you Tammy and Granny for the tricycle...trying it out in the parking lot :)

So determined to do it by herself

She loves it! :)

This freaks Nana out, but Cammie loves it so Pop does it....ROTTEN!

     Cammie's final birthday celebration will be next weekend.  Her birthday party is September 3rd and we are ready to celebrate with everyone...hopefully I can rely on someone to take pictures of the entire party and everyone who comes to celebrate with our C-bear! :)

August 24, 2011

HaPpY FiRsT BiRtHdAy!!!

Our beautiful baby girl...on her birthday :)
     I can't believe it has been a year since we welcomed our sweet baby girl into our lives.  The past year has definitely been a whirlwind, flooded with the most amazing and unforgettable memories!  Camryn Marie has sure made her place into many hearts within the past year, but is absolutely everything to her mom and dad!   As much as it overwhelms me and causes me to get teary-eyed at the thought of Cammie turning one, I want to express how thankful I am that she is happy and healthy.  Chris and I have been so blessed with Camryn and love her more than she will ever know! Right now Camryn...

  • weighs: 24 pounds, 9 ounces (90th percentile)
  • is 31 inches tall (95th percentile) (her height and weight combined make her the size of an average 17 month old or small 2 year old lol :)
  • wears 12-18 months in clothes
  • wears a size 3 or 4 shoe (depending on the style and brand of shoe)
  • wears a size 3 diaper
  • drinks only from more bottle (we were lucky....VERY easy transition!)
  • loves hot dogs, goldfish, bananas, watermelon, marshmallows, bread and anything sweet (she takes after her dad :)
  • added grapes, ketchup, tortillas, tator tots and rice to new foods she has tried and will eat (except ketchup...NOT a fan :)
  • is on and off with drinking whole milk...we are mixing soy formula/soy milk and whole milk again because it doesn't seem like her little belly can handle the whole milk entirely just yet
  • has 6 teeth and more on the way (we are currently cutting the ones on the sides of her bottom front teeth)
  • has learned to help by putting things away or back into containers (bath toys, dog food scoop, etc.)
  • uses sign language to sign "more" and "milk" regularly
    • can also sign "eat" and "all done" but doesn't do it on a regular basis
    • is learning to say parts of words such as puppy (she just says pup)
  • can follow simple directions such as, "go get your blanket" and "honk/beep the horn (on her car)"
  • has been walking for a month, although she doesn't really walk anywhere she runs instead :)
  • can do some of the finger motions when you sing "Itsy Bitsy Spider" and knows where to say "ahhh, ahhh, ahhh" when you sing "If All the Raindrops"
  • loves to play outside with the neighbors...she will run to Karter and Lakyn when she sees them outside
  • LOVES so many things like her pink car, taking baths, reading books, playing outside, her puppies, the "Hot Dog" song, her Mickey Mouse chair, walking toys and eating just to name a few

August 20, 2011

Ezra's First Birthday

     While our husbands were all away golfing together, Chrissie, Cammie, Meghan, Maddie and I headed up to Indy to celebrate Ezra's first birthday and visit one of my greatest friends, Chrissie Gaddis.  (Gosh...I miss that girl too much!  Heading down the hallway at The Wood isn't quite the same knowing she is no longer there :(  I'll never forget my first year of teaching and all the memories we made together :) Ezra is the cutest thing ever, but I think he and Cammie would definitely be partners in crime.  They seem like two peas in a pod together!

Double Trouble :)

I love the way they are figuring each other out :)

The Birthday Boy!

Love this sweet face :)

She is a mess with that tongue...our newest habit :)

Meghan trying to persuade Maddie to walk :)

My sweet girl :)

Love this picture and these girls!!!

"What are you doing Ezra?"

The bestest of friends :)

August 16, 2011


     Warning:  If you are not a dog lover you may want to skip right over reading this post. :)

     As many people know prior to Cammie being born we already had two babies, our puppies Brohdi and Zoey.  They were without a doubt our world (Chris probably wouldn't admit it, but they were :).  Many people told us we would hate the dogs, get rid of the dogs and/or wish we never had dogs once the baby arrived.  I can honestly say I have never felt that way and am actually thankful most days that we do have them.  Although Brohdi has single-handedly ruined our couch, garden and required us to pay a ridiculous amount of money for dog food, he and Zoey have brought so much joy to Cammie that I can't imagine life without our fur babies.  She absolutely loves them and watching her interact with them brings a smile to our face.  I just love to watch her snuggle with Zoey, pat the bed or couch to get them to jump up where she is so she can pet them or follow them from room to room.  In addition to her love for the dogs, she also has a love for the dog bed....when she brushes her teeth.  I kid is a weirdo!  And the fact that I allow her to brush her teeth while sitting in the dog bed may make me even weirder, but it is what it is.  We try to brush Cammie's teeth at least once a day (she loves it).  When we brush her teeth, Chris or I will hand Cammie her toothbrush.  She immediately takes it and walks straight to the dog bed.  Every...Single...Time!!! Although I know this isn't the most sanitary habit, it definitely makes Chris and I laugh.  Definitely makes you wonder what is going on in that little brain of hers! :)

Straight mess! :)

August 14, 2011

bye-bye summer break :(

     Summer break is officially over and back to work I go tomorrow. :(  

     I have been in definite denial this whole week about losing all my extra time with my sweet baby girl! As a working mom I feel like it is such a catch-22 situation.  I hate the hours that I miss with her while I am at work.  I hate the frustration I sometimes feel when Cammie would rather play than sleep at night or when I am trying to get something done at home in the few hours I have, which takes the place of treasuring those moments of snuggling together that will soon be gone.  I hate the extra hours that I dedicate beyond the school day to IUS.  I hate the fear of all the things I will miss because I am not able to be with her all day, every day. :(  
     On the other hand, working gives me the purpose I need each day.  I like knowing I have the capability to make a difference in twenty-something little person lives each day.  I love the relationships I have built with my co-workers and work friends.  I love knowing the sacrifices and contributions I make as a working mom will hopefully give Cammie even more opportunities in life than I had.  
    Being a mom is the greatest gift I could have ever hoped for!  My Cammie-bear is my world and I couldn't be more thankful that I was chosen to be her mom.  I never thought I could even entertain the idea of staying home with my kids, but boy...having two full months off, watching Cammie crawl, walk, learn signs and progress from baby to toddler really made me think! :)  I know the idea of work is worse in my mind than it will actually be (I hope!).  I know once our routine is set everything will be okay.   I know I am beyond blessed that Cammie is in such wonderful hands while I am at work.  It's just really hard to tell yourself that the night before you go back!