August 24, 2011

HaPpY FiRsT BiRtHdAy!!!

Our beautiful baby girl...on her birthday :)
     I can't believe it has been a year since we welcomed our sweet baby girl into our lives.  The past year has definitely been a whirlwind, flooded with the most amazing and unforgettable memories!  Camryn Marie has sure made her place into many hearts within the past year, but is absolutely everything to her mom and dad!   As much as it overwhelms me and causes me to get teary-eyed at the thought of Cammie turning one, I want to express how thankful I am that she is happy and healthy.  Chris and I have been so blessed with Camryn and love her more than she will ever know! Right now Camryn...

  • weighs: 24 pounds, 9 ounces (90th percentile)
  • is 31 inches tall (95th percentile) (her height and weight combined make her the size of an average 17 month old or small 2 year old lol :)
  • wears 12-18 months in clothes
  • wears a size 3 or 4 shoe (depending on the style and brand of shoe)
  • wears a size 3 diaper
  • drinks only from more bottle (we were lucky....VERY easy transition!)
  • loves hot dogs, goldfish, bananas, watermelon, marshmallows, bread and anything sweet (she takes after her dad :)
  • added grapes, ketchup, tortillas, tator tots and rice to new foods she has tried and will eat (except ketchup...NOT a fan :)
  • is on and off with drinking whole milk...we are mixing soy formula/soy milk and whole milk again because it doesn't seem like her little belly can handle the whole milk entirely just yet
  • has 6 teeth and more on the way (we are currently cutting the ones on the sides of her bottom front teeth)
  • has learned to help by putting things away or back into containers (bath toys, dog food scoop, etc.)
  • uses sign language to sign "more" and "milk" regularly
    • can also sign "eat" and "all done" but doesn't do it on a regular basis
    • is learning to say parts of words such as puppy (she just says pup)
  • can follow simple directions such as, "go get your blanket" and "honk/beep the horn (on her car)"
  • has been walking for a month, although she doesn't really walk anywhere she runs instead :)
  • can do some of the finger motions when you sing "Itsy Bitsy Spider" and knows where to say "ahhh, ahhh, ahhh" when you sing "If All the Raindrops"
  • loves to play outside with the neighbors...she will run to Karter and Lakyn when she sees them outside
  • LOVES so many things like her pink car, taking baths, reading books, playing outside, her puppies, the "Hot Dog" song, her Mickey Mouse chair, walking toys and eating just to name a few

1 comment:

  1. Happy 1st Birthday to Miss Cammie! Isn't it amazing all that they learn in just one short year?!
