September 20, 2011

B.U.S.Y....busy, busy, busy!

    If I was asked to describe Camryn in one word these days it would be busy!  She goes and goes and goes...non-stop...almost every minute of every day.  Deep down I love her energy and hope it transfers to good habits in the future, but man it can wear this mommy out!  As soon as we pull in the driveway she immediately wants to play outside.  It doesn't matter what time it is or what the weather may be, she only has outside activities on her agenda for the evening.  She loves riding in her pink car, going for a walk, playing with Karter and Lakyn (she gets out of the car, points to their house and "yells" for them) or running down the driveway just to name a few (and this is usually after playing in the daycare at the Y).  When we finally do corral her and get her inside she usually eats dinner and then runs the show inside.  She wants to play with her toys, climb in the dishwasher, play with the dogs...anything that involves moving about.  
     Taking Camryn anywhere can be quite a challenge these days too.  Because she is so busy, trying to go out to eat, get through the grocery store or watch a football game can become a HUGE task!  We experienced our first tantrum episode during dinner at Logan's the other night.  Chris and I specifically chose Logan's because they are usually super fast.  Of course this day they weren't and Camryn had eaten her dinner, been distracted by things long enough and was ready to get down and move!  Chris and I tried so hard to keep her happy, but we had to be those people who asked for their check as soon as the food arrived.  In addition, I missed the entire first half of Nick's football game Friday night because we were playing in the bleachers.  She loves nothing more than running from one end to the other, walking up and down all the steps and cheering with the cheerleaders.  Here are just a few pictures from our night...

Playing with her friend Izack..he is too funny with her.  He even brought his pink robot that night so she had something to play with. :)

Of course she would rather have the car :)

Running the bleachers with her Nevin...she loves the boys :)

I LOVE this picture of classic (before she takes off to the other side of the bleachers :)

Nana and Cammie...Nana has the magic touch at the football games...gets her to sleep every time!

All that running will actually knock her out...for a little while anyway :)
     Although our little munchkin is very busy and always on the move we do love all the wonderful things she is doing right now!  She definitely keeps us on our toes and learns so many new things each and every day.  It's amazing to watch that little mind "work."  In the past week she has learned how to:

  • knock on a door (love the little fist that she makes)
  • close AND open all the doors in the house (yikes...time for mom to put the door locks on :)
  • sign eat on her own (when she is actually ready to eat, rather than being prompted to do so)
  • clap her hands while she dances
  • swing from side to side when she dances
  • "feed" the dogs (she takes the empty cup back to the food bin, pushes the lid closed and pushes the container back inside of the pantry...she doesn't ever forget a step :)
  • climb into the rocking chair at Nana's house
She is just getting too big! :)

Best Buddies

     Saturday Chrissie, Meghan and I participated in Chrissie's neighborhood yard sale.  It happened at the perfect time as Meghan and Brad are getting ready to move into their new house (so excited for them!) and Chrissie and I had probably started a new yard sale pile a week or so after we had one in the spring.  I really don't know how we have enough junk to have a yard sale on a yearly (or bi-yearly in this case) basis, but we always seem to have multiple boxes filled with things we no longer want.  I am definitely not one to save things "just in case." I HATE clutter and junk!  As Camryn gets bigger and her things take up more and more room Chris and I know that moving is just around the corner for us.  After filling up three huge under the bed containers of Camryn's clothes and accessories I decided it was time to sort through and prioritize.  I got rid of quite a few things of hers that were not necessities (sleepers, onesies, blankets, etc.) or things I absolutely loved.  It almost makes me feel guilty thinking about how much she has when I look at others who are so in need (some of my kiddos at school definitely come to mind).  We had a great time together Sunday morning and when the girls woke up for the day our wonderful husbands brought them to "help."  The girls had a blast playing together and getting dirty in Chrissie's garage.  They played with C's pink car, crawled around the driveway and took multiple walks up and down the street.  At the end of the day Chris captured the sweetest picture of the two of them...take a look!

Love this picture...definitely best buddies! :)

September 16, 2011

Cooler Weather...

has definitely not stopped our munchkin from playing fact I think she likes it more! :) The Kanes are definitely enjoying the cooler weather, despite having to bundle up a little bit! :)

C is obviously not in love with the hood, but still adores the pink car!

I love how her litte feet don't quite reach the pedals, however I think she loves the tricycle because it is such a big girl toy to her :)

September 15, 2011

A little tug at my heart...

    I was talking with some of my dear friends about pregnancy today.  There are so many emotions that go along with being a mom...before baby, during pregnancy and after!  Although I pride myself on how well I have done keeping the blog updated with most of our journeys as a family of three, I did a horrible job with it during my pregnancy with Camryn.  Looking back I was not near as sentimental as I wished I would have been.  I didn't document any parts of my pregnancy, including weight gain, feelings, dreams, know all of the things that come along with the territory.  I can't remember some of the specific details that I'm sure I thought I would never forget.  I also didn't document things with Cammie that I know I will want one day...her heart rates from the first appointment on, the sound of her heart beating, her size (based on my belly measurements), etc.  I can't believe how easily I have forgotten all those details that were once so special to me...definitely tugged on my heart today and caused me to get emotional (a few times actually).  Although I am so thankful for that beautiful, healthy baby I have to hold in my arms today...definitely wish I had someone to convince me how important it was to write things down and take pictures often....because now that I'm a mom (and a second grade teacher to 27 kiddos) I can't remember anything!  Definitely plan to do a better job with Baby #2 in the future!


     Camryn Marie has become quite the mischievous little stinker!  To say she is into everything is an understatement. Her favorite places to play include the refrigerator, pantry, dishwasher, bathroom (LOVES the toilet paper, all the cabinets and anything in the cabinets)...anywhere where she isn't supposed to be!  We have caught her feeding the dogs, grabbing things she is not supposed to and know usual toddler stuff. :)  In addition, she is starting to definitely show her temper.  When she is tired she has started screaming, hitting and/or pulling hair at times.  I didn't think these things started until around two???  We are hoping these behaviors are short lived or at least don't occur too often, although we may be in for a rough adventure ahead!  She is very stubborn and headstrong (she gets it honestly from both Chris and I).  If her mind is made up to do something she WILL accomplish what she is set out to do or at least try her tushy off!  Even though she can be completely rotten we love her more than anything!  Here she is being naughty...

Hanging out while mom is at her favorite place :)

Hanging out IN the dishwasher...she LOVES it!

Her newest fascination...climbing on and off the footstool

Looking for just the right puzzle...don't's always the puzzle on the bottom she wants :)

Actually playing with the puzzle :)

Her favorite activity...tormenting Brohdi :)

Love this stinker! :)

I just want to add that I LOVE Cammie in her stretchy pjs this year! 

September 12, 2011


     Sometimes life can be super hard!  Sometimes life can be super crazy!  Sometimes life can be so hard and so crazy it is just overwhelming. :(  This is definitely where I have found myself the last few weeks.  I feel like I never have time to do anything well, complete any task or project (including cleaning the house to my standard) or spend any quality time with the people I love.  For the last few weeks I have been dealing with it, but definitely feeling my anxiety growing each day because of it.  This weekend things just got to me and I was in a very unhappy place. :(  Without getting too in-depth I had just bottled a few emotions for too long.  That in combination with the screaming fits Camryn has started to throw when she is very tired or frustrated just sent me over the edge.  I was an emotional mess! I feel like I cried all weekend.  I felt lost...I missed my husband, my friends, my summer life and Camryn was definitely testing my patience as a mom.  :(
       After going to church on Sunday, hearing my favorite song (He knew I needed it that day), listening to the powerful message from George and two very needed heart to heart conversations with my two closest friends I am feeling so much better!  Sometimes I take things for granted and get caught up in all the things I can't do, what-ifs, and fears about change and/or the future.  I forget that my greatest blessings are right in front of me.  It's easy to remember how important Chris and Camryn are, but I can honestly tell you I don't know where I would be without my friends. I have the greatest best friend in the entire world.  Chrissie is more like a sister than a friend.  We are so alike in so many ways that it can be scary.  We typically show up somewhere wearing similar outfits or colors.  Our brains seem to operate in the same way, as we think and act alike on most occasions. We can destroy the Gap outlet like none other, but honestly I don't know where I would be today without her.  She is an amazing person who has taught me so many things.  She is so patient, so loving and so kind...she has definitely taught me how to be a better person on the inside and out! I love her too much and thank Him everyday for bringing us together!  
     Along with Chrissie I have another fabulous friend who makes each of my days brighter!  Meghan and I have become very close since I started teaching at Parkwood five years ago.  Although we were not instantly the best of friends as soon as we connected it was crazy how similar we were.  Meghan and I became close after coaching cheerleading for two years together and then being pregnant with our girls during the same time.  (I don't know how she put up with my hormones...I guess that's how I know she is such a great friend!)  It is so neat to watch our girls play together and be the best of friends! I love having someone else who is a first-time we endure the treasures and trials of it together!  In addition to working together, all of our husbands play golf and hang out together.  This has caused Chrissie, Meghan and I to be a pretty close group of three!  I love these girls more than words can express and hope they know just how much they mean to me!

September 3, 2011

Cammie's 1st Birthday PARTAY!!

     Today we were finally able to celebrate Cammie-pie's first birthday with our friends and family.  We chose Labor Day weekend to celebrate for many reasons, but it really ended up being the perfect weekend to celebrate our princess' first birthday!  With it being her first birthday I didn't want to go with any kind of character theme (even though she does love Mickey...I have a feeling a Minnie Mouse birthday or two is definitely in our future :), so when the hot pink and zebra inspiration struck I ran with it!  We are so blessed that so many of our friends and family were able to celebrate her birthday with us.  She is definitely a very loved little girl! 

The birthday girl! :)

Taking everything in...

Cammie and Aunt Maggie

Her three uncles

Terry and Cindy

Kerri, Brittney and Chrissie...Love these girls (and Keegan too!)

3 of the best looking guys we know!

I love the way C is watching the older girls...she wants to do what they are doing so bad!

Birthday Princess!

So happy it's my birthday!

She's a mess!

Talking to the big girls :)

She is lovin' all the attention!

Happy Birthday To You...

Happy Birthday To You...

Happy Birthday Dear Camryn

Happy Birthday To You!!!

Clearly she loves her cake :)

Priceless :)

Can't believe she is already a year old!

Messy girl!

The aftermath....she tore that cake apart! (hate that this picture uploaded sideways!)

"I just want my Mickey chair!"

all better :)

After the party....completely worn out!