September 15, 2011

A little tug at my heart...

    I was talking with some of my dear friends about pregnancy today.  There are so many emotions that go along with being a mom...before baby, during pregnancy and after!  Although I pride myself on how well I have done keeping the blog updated with most of our journeys as a family of three, I did a horrible job with it during my pregnancy with Camryn.  Looking back I was not near as sentimental as I wished I would have been.  I didn't document any parts of my pregnancy, including weight gain, feelings, dreams, know all of the things that come along with the territory.  I can't remember some of the specific details that I'm sure I thought I would never forget.  I also didn't document things with Cammie that I know I will want one day...her heart rates from the first appointment on, the sound of her heart beating, her size (based on my belly measurements), etc.  I can't believe how easily I have forgotten all those details that were once so special to me...definitely tugged on my heart today and caused me to get emotional (a few times actually).  Although I am so thankful for that beautiful, healthy baby I have to hold in my arms today...definitely wish I had someone to convince me how important it was to write things down and take pictures often....because now that I'm a mom (and a second grade teacher to 27 kiddos) I can't remember anything!  Definitely plan to do a better job with Baby #2 in the future!

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