September 12, 2011


     Sometimes life can be super hard!  Sometimes life can be super crazy!  Sometimes life can be so hard and so crazy it is just overwhelming. :(  This is definitely where I have found myself the last few weeks.  I feel like I never have time to do anything well, complete any task or project (including cleaning the house to my standard) or spend any quality time with the people I love.  For the last few weeks I have been dealing with it, but definitely feeling my anxiety growing each day because of it.  This weekend things just got to me and I was in a very unhappy place. :(  Without getting too in-depth I had just bottled a few emotions for too long.  That in combination with the screaming fits Camryn has started to throw when she is very tired or frustrated just sent me over the edge.  I was an emotional mess! I feel like I cried all weekend.  I felt lost...I missed my husband, my friends, my summer life and Camryn was definitely testing my patience as a mom.  :(
       After going to church on Sunday, hearing my favorite song (He knew I needed it that day), listening to the powerful message from George and two very needed heart to heart conversations with my two closest friends I am feeling so much better!  Sometimes I take things for granted and get caught up in all the things I can't do, what-ifs, and fears about change and/or the future.  I forget that my greatest blessings are right in front of me.  It's easy to remember how important Chris and Camryn are, but I can honestly tell you I don't know where I would be without my friends. I have the greatest best friend in the entire world.  Chrissie is more like a sister than a friend.  We are so alike in so many ways that it can be scary.  We typically show up somewhere wearing similar outfits or colors.  Our brains seem to operate in the same way, as we think and act alike on most occasions. We can destroy the Gap outlet like none other, but honestly I don't know where I would be today without her.  She is an amazing person who has taught me so many things.  She is so patient, so loving and so kind...she has definitely taught me how to be a better person on the inside and out! I love her too much and thank Him everyday for bringing us together!  
     Along with Chrissie I have another fabulous friend who makes each of my days brighter!  Meghan and I have become very close since I started teaching at Parkwood five years ago.  Although we were not instantly the best of friends as soon as we connected it was crazy how similar we were.  Meghan and I became close after coaching cheerleading for two years together and then being pregnant with our girls during the same time.  (I don't know how she put up with my hormones...I guess that's how I know she is such a great friend!)  It is so neat to watch our girls play together and be the best of friends! I love having someone else who is a first-time we endure the treasures and trials of it together!  In addition to working together, all of our husbands play golf and hang out together.  This has caused Chrissie, Meghan and I to be a pretty close group of three!  I love these girls more than words can express and hope they know just how much they mean to me!

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