August 10, 2012

Back to School

     Going back to school is always so hard as I struggle to admit that summer is coming to an end.  It seems like going back to school gets harder each year as Cammie gets a little older and we are able to interact with her more and more.  This school year was no different with the exception that it seemed to sneak up even quicker with as busy as the summer was.  Don't get me wrong....I soaked up the summer sunshine and days away from work as much as I could with my little sun princess.  We played outside on the swing set, blew bubbles, went swimming and even managed to grab a few nap snuggles together every once in a while. :)
     Unfortunately, a majority of my summer days were dedicated to online classes and a curriculum project I applied for that would pay to take my Cammie to Disney for the first time.  Chris and I were also busy slowly trying to get everything (well as much as we could) painted, hung or put away in the new house. I feel like I blinked my eyes and summer was gone!  
     I always struggle with the beginning of the school year.  There is never enough hours in the day to get even half of the items on your to-do list accomplished.  I always feel behind at work, school and home at the beginning of the year.  I struggle to find time to work-out (which I need even more on school days).  I never can seem to find even a few minutes to spend with Chris and pretend I am his wife, in addition to being mom and second grade teacher.  Most of all, I struggle with the amount of time I am away from Cam, compared to the time I was used to spending with her on a summer day.  To make things even more complicated Cammie has to go to occasionally go to a baby-sitter this school year.  My dad decided to head back to work in early June so I lost my full-time babysitter and C lost her Pop who kept her scheduled and in line. :)  Although I am very excited for him to get back to something he missed, C and I will miss him more than we can put into words.  My mom will continue to watch C on her days off and Chris' mom will continue to keep her each Tuesday, but for the remainder of days each month C will have to stay with a babysitter.  Thankfully we have found an amazing sitter who I know will take the best care of C while she is there.  Miss Patty, whom C knows from the Y will take care of her when family is not able to.  Miss Patty also has a 2 1/2 year she takes care of daily, which will give C a playmate when she is there.  I know this will be a great opportunity for Cammie, especially as we think about enrolling her in preschool next year, but it's just hard to make adjustments when you are used to things being just so.  Crossing my fingers for a successful start and a less stressful school year than the one before....anything to make that next break or those summer days come a little faster... :)

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